Monday, November 10, 2014

I'm not a b***h, I'm a Feminist. 

The worst thing you can call a girl is a girl. The worst thing you can call a man is a girl. 
Being a girl is the ultimate insult.
Now, tell me if that isn't royally f'd up?

Recently, on Facebook and Twitter, I have seen a lot of women and men saying they are not and will never define their own self as Feminist

This made me curious, why? Why would you not be? Why would you not choose equality?

In class Thursday night we asked the class this exact question. And to my shock (sarcasm) a girl said and I quote "boys think feminist are bitchy, non-shaving, men haters, what guy would want to date that?" 

I held my tongue... Seriously, I did. I know it is hard to imagine me doing that, but sometimes I do keep my opinions to myself. (I keep them for later- then make blogs about them) I'm kind of like the Taylor Swift of Blogging. 

But, this response is one of the many reasons we DO NEED Feminism. So, I wanted to just share why I CHOOSE to categorize myself as a Feminist. 

1. One in four women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. 
2. One in six men will be sexually abused by the time they are eighteen. 
3. 91% of college women feel the need to be on a diet.
4. Women make up 40% of bread winners in the United States. 
5. Feminization of Poverty- yes, it is a real thing. 
6. Women make up 80% of all refuges and displaced people.
7. 1 in 5 women between the ages of 12-30 openly admit to having an eating disorder at one point in their life. 
8. 1-3 women will get abortions in their life time. 
9. In 2013 alone, there were more abortion restrictions put into effect than there have been in the last 20 years.
10. I still have to fight for my right to choose. 
11. In Tennessee, women will have a harder time receiving an abortion (which, I believe is my right- it's my body).
12. My clothing does not equate to my value. 
13. Being emotional does not make men less masculine. 
14. My clothing is not your consent waiver. 
15. "you're acting like a girl" is still a thing.
16. Because women still call each other 'sluts'. 
17. and fat.
18. and trashy. 
19. People use sex and gender as synonyms.
20. Being a female and being opinionated also makes you a bitch. 
21. Women are still the focus of yogurt and cleaning commercials. 
22. Girls are ashamed to admit how many people they have slept with. 
23. People ask me how I can wear makeup and still be a feminist. 
24. When my University put out an alert for sexual assault people actually asked if she had drank. But, when UT put out an alert for a stolen car no one asked if the car was unlocked.  
25. "All About that Bass" is considered a body friendly song. 
26. People still cannot marry who they love. 
27. Men get to vote on my right to attain Birth Control. 
28. I get cat called on my way to class. 
29. Men are embarrassed to be feminist. 
30. Women should not be ashamed to be feminist because men won't date them. 
31. It's OK to like cats- they're freaking awesome. 
32. My ex called me a feminist in a joking way as to shame me. (he's an ex for a reason).
33. More people look up to the Kardashians than Emma Watson. 
34. Its ok to be a stay at home mom, or to devote yourself to your career- it's your CHOICE. 
35. It's ok to be incredibly yourself. 
36. In gyms their are weighted bands labeled men or women. (aka strength is gender bias)  
37. More people will fight over this post only because it say feminism than any other blog I post. 
38. Choice. 
39. Choice. 
40. and Choice. 

As you can see- I find many reasons, and I could go on and on. But, I want to say this is not just a women's issue- equality is an issue for so many. 

I really do not know why anyone would choose not to fight for equality. 

Being a woman is incredibly challenging, beautiful, and rewarding. At some point we all have to realize we all are here to live together, we might as well grow together. And continue fighting for one another.